Jenn Kautsch is the founder of a non-profit called SoberSis and leader in the “Sober Curious” movement. She lives in Fort Worth, Texas with her husband of almost 30 years and has 2 adult children in their mid 20's.
It’s her passion and life’s calling to create a space where women can renegotiate their relationship with alcohol without labels, judgment or shame. She coaches women who feel stuck in the “gray area” on the drinking spectrum and helps women get off of “auto -pilot” and mindlessly sipping through the habit of wine o’clock. She is all about holistic health and promotes freedom from the “detox-to-retox” cycle. Sharing through her personal faith, understanding of science and ability to facilitate connection, lives are being changed. Everyday women are becoming more fully alive through sober minded living and more present in their own amazing lives.