FREE Happy Hour Survival Guide Reveals...

"5 Little-Known Strategies Women Are Using To Skip Drinking Alcohol Tonight So They Can Be Hangover Free Tomorrow"

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  • How to use the H.A.L.T Method to stop the root cause of your nightly alcohol & wine cravings ...
  • ​How to "Reverse The Ritual" and avoid getting stuck in the "Detox to Retox" Loop...
  • ​​The "Tomorrow Technique" for skipping the wine tonight & waking up energized without regret.. 
  • ​The Mind Movie Method that makes skipping "Wine O'clock" enjoyable and effortless...
  • ​A super tasty alcohol alternative that satisfies your cravings without leaving you feeling hungover in the morning...

FREE Happy Hour Survival Guide Reveals...

"5 Little-Known Strategies Women Are Using To Skip Drinking Alcohol Tonight So They Can Be Hangover Free Tomorrow"

Enter your best email below and I'll send you a FREE copy of the "Happy Hour Survival Guide!"

 Your information is safe and we will never share it.

*Happy Hour Survival Guide will download immediately & a copy will arrive in your inbox momentarily*
  • How to use the H.A.L.T Method to stop the root cause of your nightly alcohol & wine cravings ...
  • ​How to "Reverse The Ritual" and avoid getting stuck in the "Detox to Retox" Loop...
  • ​​The "Tomorrow Technique" for skipping the wine tonight & waking up energized without regret.. 
  • ​The Mind Movie Method that makes skipping "Wine O'clock" enjoyable and effortless...
  • ​A super tasty alcohol alternative that satisfies your cravings without leaving you feeling hungover in the morning...

Jenn "Sober Sis" Kautsch

Jenn Kautsch (pronounced Couch) is the founder and creator of the SoberSis community and leader in the "Sober Curious" movement. She lives in Fort Worth, Texas with her hubby of almost 30 years and has 2 adult children in their mid 20's.

It's her passion and life's calling to create a space where women can renegotiate their relationship with alcohol without labels, judgment or shame. She coaches women who feel stuck in the "gray area" on the drinking spectrum and helps women get off of "auto -pilot" and mindlessly sipping through the habit of wine o'clock. She is all about holistic health and promotes freedom from the "detox-to-retox" cycle. Sharing through her personal faith, understanding of science and ability to facilitate connection, lives are being changed. Everyday women are becoming more fully alive through sober minded living and more present in their own amazing lives.

Since launching SoberSis in 2018, more than 200K women have downloaded her free "Happy Hour Survival Guide" and over 30K have participated in the 21 Day Reset Challenge. Those numbers are growing every month as she works hard to get the message out to more women and nurture a real sisterhood of support! She is a motivational speaker and author of "Look Alive, Sis".

Are you ready to Find Freedom From "Wine O'Clock"?

Get instant access to start reading the FREE digital version of the "Happy Hour Survival Guide" now.

Jenn "Sober Sis" Kautsch

Jenn Kautsch (pronounced Couch) is the founder and creator of the SoberSis community and leader in the “Sober Curious” movement. She lives in Fort Worth, Texas with her hubby of 27 years and has 2 adult children in their young 20's.

SoberSis was “born” Christmas Day of 2017 and since then more than 200K women have downloaded her free “Happy Hour Survival Guide” and over 30K have participated in the 21 Day Reset Challenge. Those numbers are growing every month as she works hard to get the message out to more women! 

It’s her passion and life’s calling to create a space where women can renegotiate their relationship with alcohol without labels, judgment or shame. She coaches women who feel stuck in the “gray area” on the drinking spectrum and helps women get off of “auto-pilot” and mindless sipping through the habit of wine o’clock. 

Jenn is all about holistic health and promotes freedom from the “detox-to-retox” cycle. Sharing through her personal faith, understanding of science and ability to facilitate connection, lives are being changed. Everyday women are becoming more fully alive through sober-minded living and more present in their own amazing lives. 

Are you ready to Find Freedom From "Wine O'Clock"?

Get instant access to start reading the FREE digital version of the "Happy Hour Survival Guide" now.
Jenn Kautsch, | ©2019-2023 | All Rights Reserved 

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Jenn Kautsch, 
©2019-2023 | All Rights Reserved 

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